Wireless probe thermometer utility model patent certificate
Dec 26,2023
- Period:
- Mar 30,2021 - Mar 29,2031
- No.:
- 6442145
- Certification bodies:
- State Intellectual Property office
- Organization Phone:
- 010-62356655
- Agency website:
- https://www.cnipa.gov.cn/
The wireless probe thermometer patent number is ZL2020306665129.0, and the application date is November 5, 2020. The modified products are designed and manufactured for kitchen electric equipment ovens, ovens, slow cooking machines, pressure cookers, air fryers, frying and steaming equipment supporting, as their core intelligent hardware, it is also favored and welcomed by Western housewives, as a kitchen intelligent tool.
The wireless probe thermometer patent number is ZL2020306665129.0, and the application date is November 5, 2020. The modified products are designed and manufactured for kitchen electric equipment ovens, ovens, slow cooking machines, pressure cookers, air fryers, frying and steaming equipment supporting, as their core intelligent hardware, it is also favored and welcomed by Western housewives, as a kitchen intelligent tool.