Bluetooth barbecue thermometer appearance patent
Dec 26,2023
- Period:
- Mar 21,2016 - Mar 20,2026
- No.:
- 3761087
- Certification bodies:
- State Intellectual Property office
- Organization Phone:
- 010-62356655
- Agency website:
Patent number ZL201630081490.2 Bluetooth barbecue temperature probe embedded 2.4Ghz radio frequency chip, 12-bit A/D digital/analog conversion measurement chip, food temperature sensor, stove temperature sensor, inserted into the cooking barbecue meat, temperature data wireless transmission distance of 30 meters, combined with smart phones and GrillMeater App to form a food cooking temperature monitoring instrument tool. For home kitchens, restaurants and hotel chefs. Product patent No. ZL201830770083.1, application date May 2018.
Bluetooth barbecue temperature probe embedded 2.4Ghz radio frequency chip, 12-bit A/D digital/analog conversion measurement chip, food temperature sensor, stove temperature sensor, inserted into the cooking barbecue meat, temperature data wireless transmission distance of 30 meters, combined with smart phones and GrillMeater App to form a food cooking temperature monitoring instrument tool. For home kitchens, restaurants and hotel chefs. Product patent No. ZL201830770083.1, application date May 2018.